Thermoplastic Elastomer
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Thermoplastic Elastomer
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Thermoplastic Elastomer

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-05-23      Origin: Site


Thermoplastic elastomers(TPE), sometimes referred to as thermoplastic rubbers, are a unique class of engineering materials combining the look, feel and elasticity of conventional thermoset

rubber with the processing efficiency of plastics.

Due to TPEs are thermoplastics, their melt-processability make them very suitable for high volume injection molding and extrusion. They can also be recycled. As elastomers, TPEs exhibit

true elasticity.

Thermoplastic elastomers(TPE) are a class of copolymers or a physical mix of polymers (usually a plastic and a rubber)which consist of materials with both thermoplastic and elastomeric


Thermoplastic elastomers show advantages typical of both rubbery materials and plastic

materials. The principal difference between thermoset elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers is the type of crosslinking bond in their structures. In fact, crosslinking is a critical structural factor

which contributes to impart high elastic properties. The crosslink in thermoset polymers is a covalent bond created during the vulcanization process. On the other hand the crosslink in thermoplastic elastomer polymers is a weaker dipole or androgen bond or takes place in one of the phases of the material.

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