Crystallizability Of Polymers
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Crystallizability Of Polymers
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Crystallizability Of Polymers

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-08-19      Origin: Site


In the molten phase, crystalline polymers closely resemble amorphous polymers. However, the real difference between the two exhibits itself during cooling. As crystalline polymers cool, small areas of short-range order form. These are highly organized and closely packed areas of polymer molecules and are recognized as the"polymer crystals"in crystalline polymers.

Polymers crystallization are not at all like inorganic crystal materials such as salt. There are several models and theories regarding crystal formation, but most populars are the"fringed micelle"model and folded micelle"model as shown in Fig. 1. 19. Fig. 1. 19a shows that is a partly orderation of molecules in two-dimensional according to the fringed micelle theory ig. 1. 19b shows that a molecule or/and molecules align parallel to form partly ordered ranges, and both show the ordered regions or crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix


Fig 1.19 Crystalline model of plast

A single polymer backbone chain may be present in sections of different crystallites

which are generally small and separated by areas without a short-range order. Larger structures,

made up of bundles of crystallites, are termed spherulites and these are formed in the bulk of the material. These are formed and grow in a similar manner to the formation and growth of grains in a metal.

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